another week started

On the weekend I disconnected myself almost entirely from the news broadcast.

If the adult conversation would not have been almost entirely about the war- it would have been a perfect weekend. Nice weather. The kids played in the pool in the garden and we went for a nice bike ride… Our kids became fast friends with the kids of the one family that fled from the fighting and lives for now next door. I am especially proud of Neomi- that she helped so nicely to clean and prepare the apartments for the families. She "takes care" of the one girl that is one year old than her- showing her around, helping her to adjust, taking her to her daycare, helping out with her own things…

But being back at work is exposing me again to the news. Songs on the radio are regularly interrupted with long lists of areas/ towns where the sirens are blaring. Continuously news are being broadcast. About fallen soldiers, about rockets, about fighting, about discovered tunnels and weapons…

I am staring at pictures in the news and my heart aches. For the families of the fallen boys/ men. For the families that know their boys are now being sent to fight and that are worrying. For the dead and injured civilians on the other side. There's a lump in my stomach.

I am listening to the stories of those families that fled the South of Israel. Some of them are now already 2 weeks "on the road"- trying to get shelter with friends, families or complete strangers. Mostly mothers with their kids- leaving fathers behind because some need to work despite everything.

It makes me sick and worry to read about all the anti-Israel/ anti-Jewish demonstrations and comments all over the world. I do not support everything the government is doing here. On the other hand- where is the help and outcry of the rest of the world when rockets are falling daily on villages/ kibbutzim (all over the year!), when extremists are digging tunnels to enter Israel- for sure not with nice intentions…

Again… where's peace hiding?

I hope I will soon be able to post about nice things again…


gretel said…
Es gibt auch andere Stimmen! Ich kann die Anti-Israel Demos nicht verstehen. Dein Blog gibt uns hier - weit weg und nur mit Fernsehbildern gefüttert - die Möglichkeit, diesem schrecklichen Geschehen ein persönliches Gesicht zu geben. Durch Melanie bin ich hier gelandet und ich denke an euch und wünsche euch von ganzen Herzen, dass es bald ein Ende hat und das euch nichts passiert, das eure große Tochter nicht so viel Angst haben muss. Liebe Grüße
Sad, so sad the whole thing, that there haven't been found a solution for years now... And now in the Ukraine / Russia another terrible thing seems to start...

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